发布时间:2024-03-05   访问次数:520












2019.9-2023.6  华东师范大学博士

2016.9-2019.1  OD体育官方网站硕士  

2011.9-2015.6    海南大学学士








[1]     Lin, J., & Zhang, H*. (2023). Cross-linguistic influence of phonological awareness and phonological recoding skills in Chinese reading acquisition among early adolescent students. The Journal of General Psychology, 150(1), 120-141. https://doi.org/10.1080/00221309.2021.1922345SSCI

[2]     Lin, J., Zhang, H*., & Lin, X. (2022). Prosodic transfer in English literacy skills among Chinese elementary-age students: controlling for non-verbal intelligence. Journal of Intelligence, 10(4), https://doi.org/10.3390/jintelligence10040114SSCI

[3]     Lin, J., & Zhang, H*. (2023). How phonological and orthographic processing skills complicate the simple view of reading in Chinese reading: Examining mediation through listening comprehension. Cognitive Processing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-023-01143-3. SSCI

[4]     Lin, J., & Zhang, H*. (2023). Clarifying Links between Word-level Knowledge and Chinese Children’s Reading Development: A Multivariate Latent Growth Curve Analysis. Contemporary Educational Psychology, under review SSCI

[5]     Lin, J., & Zhang, H*. (2023). Cross-linguistic transfer of suprasegmental and segmental phonology in L2 reading acquisition: Testing mediation through bilingual decoding. Memory & Cognition, major revisionSSCI

[6]     Lin, J., Liao, Zou, Lin, Wei, & Zhang, H*. (2023). Visual search and reading comprehension in Chinese children: Testing the mediation of word reading fluency and listening comprehension. Contemporary Educational Psychology. under reviewSSCI

[7]     Lin, J., Li, Wei, & Zhang, H*. (2023). Bidirectional cross-linguistic association of phonological awareness and word spelling development: a three-wave cross-lagged panel analysis. (to be submitted)

[8]     Zhang, H*., & Lin, J. (2021). Morphological knowledge in second language reading comprehension: Examining mediation through vocabulary knowledge and lexical inference. Educational Psychology (Dorchester-on-Thames), 41(5), 563-581. SSCI

[9]     Zhang, H*., Lin, J., Cheng, X., Wang, C., & Wei, X. (2022). Concurrent and longitudinal contributions of phonological awareness to early adolescent Chinese reading acquisition. The Journal of General Psychology, 1-17. SSCI

[10]Zhang, H*., Lin, J., Cheng, X., & Li, J. (2022). The dimensionality of morphological awareness in reading comprehension among Chinese early adolescent readers. Plos One, 17(10),1-19SSCI

[11]Zhang, H*., Cheng, X., & Lin, J. (2023). Early home and community support in later Chinese Heritage Language literacy development. In D. Zhang & R. Miller (Eds.) Crossing boundaries in researching, understanding, and improving language education: Essays in honor of G. Richard Tucker (pp.103-125). Germany: Springer.

[12]Zhang, H*., Koda, K., Han, Y., & Lin, J. (2019). Word-specific and word-general knowledge in L2 Chinese lexical inference: An exploration of word learning strategies. System, 87, 102-146SSCI

[13]韦晓保*, 陈中毅, 王文斌, & 林洁心. (2021).语音意识与儿童读写能力发展的关系研究:争议与展望. 解放军OD体育官方网站学报 [J], 44 (2): 109-117. CSSCI








2022.6 “英汉语音意识对汉语儿童英汉语单词读写能力的双向预测作用”, 第六届心理语言学国际研讨会,中国浙江

2022.9“How phonological and orthographic processing skills complicate the simple view of reading in Chinese reading: Examining mediation through listening comprehension”,南京师范大学语言发展与障碍学术学术创新论坛,中国南京




Reading & Writing Quarterly

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications

Sage Open

Reading and Writing





